• Every great

    Journey starts with

    one Step!

  • Welcome to

    Traditional Karate-Do Federation

    Of Great Britain

  • Every great

    Journey starts with

    one Step!

TKFGB Squad Training and Instructor/Referee Course – 07.06.15

The Sunday of 7th June was one of the most exhausting ones for some of the Instructor Squad Members TKFGB. Exceeding six hours of time the event was devoted to proper warm-up with emphasis on central muscles and coordination.

Following the warm-up there were specialisation groups: Kata Seniors, Kata juniors and Kumite Seniors. Individual spring pairs were presenting and received feedback.
The last part of the day was devoted to basic study of referring action and vocabulary, cardio training and introductory self-defence techniques.

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TKFGB Squad Training – 17.05.15

As every month, this event took a lot of interest from TKFGB National Squad members but also from visitors and observers.

Following the initial assumptions for the participation of the Senior Team at European Championships in Vilnius later this year, kumite training was highlighted in the agenda.
The topic was work with distance and body dynamics.

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Seminar with Sensei Wlodzimierz Kwiecinski 8 Dan – 12.04.2015

On 10-12 April 2015 Traditional Karate-Do Federation of Great Britain had the honour to host the President of the World Traditional Karate-Do Federation, with headquarters in Geneva, sensei Włodzimierz Kwieciński 8th dan.

Once again, students of traditional karate in the UK had an opportunity to practise with such an outstanding master of karate, as is sensei Kwieciński. But this time it was a particularly special event, given the fact that for the first time it was organized by the newly formed traditional karate federation in the UK.
This year’s seminar, conducted by sensei Włodzimierz Kwieciński, was held in two places. Namely, the specialist training session on the first day, designed for brown and black belts only, was held in Norwich (University of East Anglia) and was addressed to members of the Traditional Karate-Do Federation of Great Britain, as well as members our friendly organization – Eastern Shotokan Karate Association (ESKA).

During next two days the seminar took place in Boston, where there was a general training session, open to all levels, and specialized kumite and kata sessions – masterclasses, designed for the most advanced students of this martial art.

The last point of sensei’s stay was to exam dan master degrees, which resulted in 1 dan master degrees having been awarded to:
Andrei Skarzynskij – Traditional Karate Academy Boston
Jaroslaw Zięciak – Traditional Karate Club ‘Okami’ Bournemouth
Igor Zeler – Traditional Karate Academy Peterborough

During his visit to Boston sensei W. Kwieciński together with TKFGB Board of Directors, met with representatives of the town’s highest authorities, including the former Mayor and current UK Parliament candidate, Mr. Paul Kenny, his wife and other members of the city council of Boston.
This year’s master seminar attracted great interest also among the Polish community media. On Friday, April 10th sensei Włodzimierz Kwieciński and the President of TKFGB Zbigniew Godzisz, were the guests of the ‘Special Mission’ broadcast at Polish Radio London, which was devoted entirely to the subject of traditional karate.

We are very proud that sensei Włodzimierz Kwiecinski, despite his very tight schedules, made time for us, and that we could learn from this outstanding personality. The seminar, attended by nearly 150 people, is the indicator for us and a great motivation for further work. I am sure that it will also contribute to the further dynamic development of our new federation, which already brings together 10 clubs and hundreds of people exercising in them

– summed up the President of Traditional Karate-Do Federation of Great Britain, sensei Zbigniew Godzisz 3rd Dan.

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Cotswolds Karate demonstrations – 16.04.15

WTKA (Western Traditional Karate Academy) and TKFGB organised demonstrations at the primary and secondary schools of Cotswolds and Great Rissington.

The displays were welcomed enthusiastically by both the students and the staff. They showed a lot of genuine interest and attention which eventuated in starting new groups for the beginning Karate athletes.
Big thanks to TKFGB team for your commitment, positive attitude and good fun.
The results will be seen soon with the kick off of the new karate classes.

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