• Every great

    Journey starts with

    one Step!

  • Welcome to

    Traditional Karate-Do Federation

    Of Great Britain

  • Every great

    Journey starts with

    one Step!

XVIII Traditional Karate-Do World Championships & II Traditional Karate-Do Children’s World Cup 14-15.10.2016

For the two days of 14th and 15th of October the Polish historical City of Cracow became the capital of world karate. Tauron Arena – the venue – filled in with over two thousand competitors from most of the Earth’s continents: both Americas, Europe, Asia (Middle and Far East). They all came to prove they were the best in what we all do and love: Traditional Karate, our lives’ passion.

The UK National Squad, a group of the best practitioners and competitors selected by the Board of TKFGB, turned up, too. We eventually managed to gather a considerable number of twenty five competitors in all age categories: children, cadets and seniors – quite remarkable looking at the size of our new Federation.

The expectations were high and the performance even exceeded those. For the first time in the short history of our Federation we brought two medals from an event of this calibre:

Alina Rubina, TKA Boston – girls individual kata, 2008–2007, 4-1 kyu


Patryk Kojro and Dawid Wisniewski, TKC Okami Bournemouth – En-Bu boy vs boy, 2007+

These are even more valuable acknowledging the almost absolute domination of the Polish young competitors over all the other teams.

Also the Senior Kumite team were very close to fighting for the podium. They eventually had to admit the Czech team’s supremacy, but by two points, only.

We spent the last year preparing hard and once again, the competition turned out to be a best possible training and the confrontation of actual skills in a situation of fighting against the strongest possible opponents. Progress was recorded and conclusions have been made; we are already planning the training framework for the next year’s European Championships.

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Seminar with Sensei Andrzej Olech and 1st Peterborough Cup, 1-2.10.2016


Over 70 members of the Traditional Karate-Do Federation of Great Britain spent the weekend in Peterborough, learning new skills and improving their knowledge in the open karate seminar conducted by Sensei Andrzej Olech, 6th Dan. The subject was “the body system” – connection between correct body posture and a breathing; principles of the system have been applied in kata and kumite.
At the end of the seminar most of the participants had an opportunity to test their skills in kata and kumite. For the TKFGB team it was the last test before incoming World Traditional Karate Championships Cracow ORLEN 2016.
Official results below:

resultsWell done everybody!

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Traditional Karate Seminar with Sensei Andrzej Olech, 6th DAN, 1-2 Oct 2016


A Traditional Karate Seminar with sensei Andrzej Olech, 6th Dan, champions’ coach and international referee. At least 6 hours training over Saturday and Sunday.
This is an OPEN EVENT – everybody is welcome!

Training times:

11.30 am–2.00 pm training session
3.00 pm–5.00 pm training session
Venue: Traditional Karate Academy Peterborough,
Gladstone Park Community Centre, PE1 2AN

9.00 am–11.00 am training session
Venue: Traditional Karate Academy Peterborough,
Gladstone Park Community Centre, PE1 2AN

Cost: training only ₤20, training and tournament – ₤25
See you all there!

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TKFGB National Squad training – Peterborough, 11.09.2016


Another busy Sunday for the TKFGB squad team – we have met for two training sessions which have been concluded by nominations for the incoming World Traditional Karate Championships Cracow ORLEN 2016 and Festival World Karate-Do Renaissance.

Congratulations to all nominees (the list will follow), keep up the hard work, see you in Peterborough again at the beginning of October.

All photos – courtesy of Elżbieta Woźniak

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