TKFGB Summer Camp: 25-27.07.2015

25-27th July was the first time TKFGB introduced a new initiative of active summer idea. A karate training camp, which lasted for three days, gathered over forty participants, both juniors and seniors. They arrived from all over the country to take the opportunity and challenge of going through massive karate training and learning about healthy life style and proper nutrition.

Each day contained at least three training sessions:
– morning – 60-90 minutes of cardio and endurance
– midday – 150 min general karate and fitness session
– evening 120-150 min specialisation classes where juniors and seniors developed their most required skills in kata and kumite.

Being a hard task in terms of physical and mental engagement the camp was also designed to select the team to represent the UK in the forthcoming European championships in Vilnius, Lithuania in October this year.
It was also a great chance for all the parents and friends to learn about how to improve our health and wellbeing by, introducing proper diet and nutrition habits into our daily life.

As TKFGB strives to build a friendly environment for our growing community, it was inevitable to include a social event in the camp’s agenda. Sunday barbecue was a good moment to chill out after an exhausting day, exchange opinions and reflect on the training.


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Interclub Kumite Competition in Norwich – 05.07.2015

On 5th July 2015 an Interclub Kumite Competition was held in Norwich, Norfolk. The event gathered around 150 competitors in three categories: junior, cadet and senior.
The results were very pleasing for TKFGB. Our athletes won a total number of 12 medals including 6 gold, 4 silver and 2 bronze.

Gold medals:

  • Richard Tayton – Seniors Male, individual kumite, 10-4 kyu
  • Anna Machtylska – Seniors Female, adult individual kumite, 3 kyu – dan
  • Filip Majchrzak – Juniors Male, individual kumite, 6-4 kyu
  • Kornelia Malczewska – Juniors Female, individual kumite, 10-4 kyu
  • Alex Podolsky – Cadets Male, individual kumite, 6-4 kyu
  • Kacper Leszczynski – Juniors Male, individual kumite, 10-7 kyu

Silver medals:

  • Klara Haluzova – Seniors Female, individual kumite, 10-4 kyu
  • David Swiech – Junior Male, individual kumite, 6-4 kyu
  • Tadeusz Lejman, Pawel Kutermankiewicz, Rafal Labuda – Seniors Maie, team kumite, all grades
  • Kornelia Malczewska, Joanna Minnis, Batchelor – Juniors Female, team kumite

Bronze medals:

  • Marek Wozniak – Seniors Male individual kumite, 10-4 kyu
  • Richard Tayton, Marek Wozniak, Maciej Kowalik – Seniors Team Kumite, all grades

The hall was loaded with emotions as for all of our juniors it was the first opportunity to check their strengths at real traditional karate kumite tournament. Supported by their parents, they all showed extremely high level of determination and their skills proved effective, judging by the number of wins.

In sum it was yet another good training on the way of preparation to the Autumn European Championships in Lithuania.

Now we are all looking forward to the summer karate camp planned for 25 – 27th July in Boston.


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Laxton Children’s Festival – 21.06.15

Having accepted an invitation from the Polish Catholic Mission in England and Wales, by recommendation from Polska Macierz Szkolna, TKFGB were honoured to be a part of an All-National Kids’ Day annual event in Laxton n/Corby, Northamptonshire.

The team presented Traditional Karate techniques, fitness and self-defence systems in front of an audience well exceeding 4,000 spectators.
In the breath taking scenery we were met by numerous VIPs, e.g. Polish Catholic Mission Representatives, Mr Witold Sobkow, the Polish Ambassador in the UK and Ms Joanna Kluzik-Rostkowska, the National Education Minister for the Republic of Poland. They showed great interest in the activities of the Federation and enquired about prospects for future expansion.

However, it was not them who benefitted the most from watching our demonstration. It was the kids and their families. After the show the willingly joined in the open training and sport-for-fun activities, so it was a great opportunity to have a lot of great time together.


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TKFGB Squad Training and Instructor/Referee Course – 07.06.15

The Sunday of 7th June was one of the most exhausting ones for some of the Instructor Squad Members TKFGB. Exceeding six hours of time the event was devoted to proper warm-up with emphasis on central muscles and coordination.

Following the warm-up there were specialisation groups: Kata Seniors, Kata juniors and Kumite Seniors. Individual spring pairs were presenting and received feedback.
The last part of the day was devoted to basic study of referring action and vocabulary, cardio training and introductory self-defence techniques.

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